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HEVC将使流媒体4K成为现实:SNL Kagan


现在是国际消费电子产品大会前夕, where one of the big stories this year will be 4K connected TVs and streaming services. At the recent 流媒体 West conference in Huntington Beach, 加州, 米歇尔·亚伯拉罕, 高级分析师 SNL Kagan, sat down for a red carpet interview to discuss the future of the HEVC编解码器 以及这将意味着什么 4K.

HEVC将在几个市场发挥重要作用, 当然是在移动视频发行领域, because you've got bandwidth limited cellular networks so you're talking about the new LTE broadcast standard and being able to broadcast over mobile, 但是任何移动无线分销,亚伯拉罕解释道. “当然还有很多关于4K的讨论. Being able to offer and distribute to the home or to other devices resolution as high as 4K really needs the bandwidth compression of HEVC."

While most people don't yet have 4K televisions or monitors, that isn't stopping content providers. 2014年将是4K进入客厅的一年.

“我相信流媒体4K将成为现实,”亚伯拉罕解释道. Netflix表示,他们计划在2014年推出该服务. Movie content is already filmed, produced in 4K so there's not much of a transition there. It's a matter of having enough bandwidth to the home to be able to stream that. When it comes to live -- producing live 4K -- that's a different matter."

For more on HEVC and 4K video streams, watch the full video below.


特洛伊德雷尔: Hi we're coming to you from 流媒体 West in sunny Huntington Beach, 加州. On the red carpet I'm joined today by 米歇尔·亚伯拉罕 a Senior Analyst at SNL Kagan. 米歇尔今天在小组讨论中谈到了HEVC (H).265). I thought maybe you could just start us off with an introduction for people who don't know, 它还很新. 什么是HEVC?

米歇尔·亚伯拉罕: HEVC或H.265 is a new video compression scheme that has been standardized by the IGUT video coding experts group and the moving pictures experts group, 或MPEG, 今年早些时候, 最终的标准是在2013年4月. And the goal was HEVC is to improve the bandwidth efficiency of a video stream and cut the amount of bandwidth that would be needed to transmit video by 50 percent.

特洛伊德雷尔: And so compared to previous video formats it feels like this one is getting a really fast rollout. 有很多人采用. 为什么会这样?? 为什么这次速度这么快?

米歇尔·亚伯拉罕: Part of it is because in today's video infrastructure there's a lot more software being used rather than hardware. 不像H.264 where there needed to be the hardware introduced that could handle the H.264 video encoding with the power of Moore's and more powerful processors, HEVC可以在软件中进行编码. So of course using software there's not as much-- you don't have to wait for the hardware and the software can be done upgradable kind of on the fly.

特洛伊德雷尔: 不错的. HEVC将在哪里产生最大的影响?

米歇尔·亚伯拉罕HEVC将在几个市场发挥重要作用, 当然是在移动视频发行领域 because you've got bandwidth limited cellular networks so you're talking about the new LTE broadcast standard and being able to broadcast over mobile 但是任何移动无线分销. Also in over-the-top segment of the market it will both certainly cut distribution costs for over-the-top providers who are sending video streams. And then there's of course a lot of discussion over 4K and being able to offer and distribute to the home or to other devices resolution as high as 4K really needs the bandwidth compression of HEVC.

特洛伊德雷尔: Is the streaming 4K going to be a reality and then what's the timeline on that?

米歇尔·亚伯拉罕我相信流媒体4K将成为现实. Netflix表示,他们计划在2014年推出该服务. Movie content is already filmed, produced in 4K so there's not much of a transition there. So they-- it's a matter of having enough bandwidth to the home to be able to stream that. When it comes to live-- producing live 4K, that's a different matter.

特洛伊德雷尔: And is streaming 4K going to rely on HEVC or are there other things that can handle it to make it a manageable stream?

米歇尔·亚伯拉罕: I believe that 4-- streaming 4K will use HEVC to make it more manageable because there's really not that many consumers who would have that kind of bandwidth available to the home.

特洛伊德雷尔: 那么HEVC会变成什么呢. What sort of bandwidth does a household need to be able to receive it?

米歇尔·亚伯拉罕: What I've been hearing from some of the vendors is that 4K HEVC stream need around 15 megabits per second, 至少现在是这样. Now they're going to keep optimizing that encoding technology so that is expected to come down in the future.

特洛伊德雷尔: 这听起来很可行. 所以HEVC还没有完全实现. 领养的障碍是什么?

米歇尔·亚伯拉罕: The only thing-- the biggest barrier and it's not really much of a barrier but right now the licensing terms haven't been decided so there's some kind of holding out waiting for-- just wanting to be safe to make sure that the licensing terms are something that can be-- that they're agreed upon particularly when it comes to decoding because of course you have many more devices on the decode side than you would on the encode side. But I expect that there will be licensing terms becoming available next year and that it will move forward.

特洛伊德雷尔: 米歇尔,非常感谢你的到来. This is 特洛伊德雷尔 coming to you from the red carpet at 流媒体 West.



现在还为时尚早, but here's everything you need to know about moving to the next-generation video codec.

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不知道该如何理解区块上的新格式? 阅读本文,快速了解HEVC是如何创建的, 它现在面临的挑战, 以及什么时候能投入日常使用.